1. Environmental engineering in mines
پدیدآورنده : / [by] V.X. Vutukuri and R.D. Lama
کتابخانه: Library of Campus2 Colleges of Engineering of Tehran University (Tehran)
موضوع : Mine vetilation,Mine safety,Mining engineering,Environmental engineering
رده :

2. Environmental engineering in mines
پدیدآورنده : / [by] V.X. Vutukuri and R.D. Lama
کتابخانه: Tehran University, technical faculty libraries 1 (Tehran)
موضوع : Mine vetilation,Mine safety,Mining engineering,Environmental engineering
رده :

3. Human-centered design for mining equipment and new technology
پدیدآورنده : Horberry, Tim
کتابخانه: Library of Razi Metallurgical Research Center (Tehran)
موضوع : ، Mine safety,، Human engineering,Design and construction ، Mining machinery,، Human-machine systems
رده :

4. Human factors for the design, operation, and maintenance of mining equipmen
پدیدآورنده : / authors, Tim John Horberry, Robin Burgess-Limerick, Lisa J. Steiner
کتابخانه: Central Library and Document Center of Shahid Chamran University (Khuzestan)
موضوع : Mine safety.,Human engineering.,Mines and mineral resources--Equipment and supplies,Mining machinery--Design and construction,Mining machinery--Maintenance and repair--Safety measures,Electronic books.--lcsh

5. #Human factors for the design, operation, and maintenance of mining equipment
پدیدآورنده : #Tim John Horberry, Robin Burgess-Limerick, Lisa J. Steiner
کتابخانه: Central Library of Esfehan University of Technology (Esfahan)
موضوع : Mine safety ،Human engineering ،Mines and mineral resources -- Equipment and supplies ،Mining machinery -- Design and construction ،Mining machinery -- Maintenance and repairSafety measures
رده :

6. Human factors for the design, operation, and maintenance of mining equipment
پدیدآورنده : / Tim John Horberry, Robin Burgess-Limerick, Lisa J. Steiner
کتابخانه: Campus International Library of Kish University of Tehran (Hormozgan)
موضوع : Mine safety.,Human engineering,Mines and mineral resources--Equipment and supplies.,Mining machinery--Design and construction.,Mining machinery--Maintenance and repair--Safety measures.
رده :

7. Mine safety and efficient exploitation facing challenges of the 21st century
پدیدآورنده : edited by Liu Zegong, Hua Xinzhu, Yuan Shujie, Dai Guanglong, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China, Jerzy Kicki, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland, Eugeniusz J. Sobczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland.
کتابخانه: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
موضوع : Mine safety.,Mining engineering.

8. #Mine safety and efficient exploitation facing challenges of the 21 st century
پدیدآورنده : #edited by Liu Zegong ... ]et al.[
کتابخانه: Central Library of Esfehan University of Technology (Esfahan)
موضوع : Mine safety -- Congresses ،Mining geology -- Congresses ،Mining engineering -- Congresses ،Mines and mineral resources -- Congresses
رده :

9. Mine safety and efficient exploitation facing challenges of the 21st century
پدیدآورنده : edited by Liu Zegong, Hua Xinzhu, Yuan Shujie, Dai Guanglong, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China, Jerzy Kicki, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland, Eugeniusz J. Sobczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Cracow, Poland.
کتابخانه: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
موضوع : Mine safety.,Mining engineering.

10. Mine safety and efficient exploitation facing challenges of the 21st century :
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: Library of Campus2 Colleges of Engineering of Tehran University (Tehran)
موضوع : Mine safety -- congresses,Mining geology -- Congresses,Mining engineering-Congresses,Mines and mineral resources - congresses
رده :

11. Progress in mine safety science and engineering II :proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Mine Safety Science and Engineering, Beijing, China, 21-23 September 2013
پدیدآورنده : editors, Xueqiu He, Hani Mitri, Baisheng Nie, Yunhai Wang, Ting X. Ren, Wenxue Chen & Xiangchun Li, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing, People's Republic of China
کتابخانه: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
موضوع : Congresses ، Mine safety,Congresses ، Mining engineering,Congresses ، Mineral industries
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